Welcome to the

Constitution Arts Society

America Has Talent dancing and drawing too!

Museums, libraries, coffee shops and restaurants:


Dance, draw, meet new people.

Join us in celebrating the United States Constitution and its values.

We are a prestigious society of artists, architects, interior designers, and dealers who appreciate and represent the integrity of our nation's founding document.

Explore our exclusive community and immerse yourself in the rich heritage that defines our art. Welcome to the CA Society.

Join us at the Library of Congress to DRAW the US Congress.

Join us at the State of the Union to PAINT the US Congress.

Our objective is to arrest movement where people are memorialized in places and events.

Constitution Art Coin

ConstituionArtCoin outlines a novel approach to stimulate local economies by introducing a cryptocurrency specifically designed to incentivize shopping local. The proposed cryptocurrency, named "ConstitutionArtCoin," will be distributed to residents and businesses, creating a closed-loop system that rewards local transactions. By leveraging blockchain technology, specifically Bitcoin Ordinal and Rune technology ConstitutionArtCoin aims to foster a stronger sense of community, promote sustainable economic growth, and reduce the outflow of funds to larger corporations.

It gets really interesting when tools like ConstitutionArtCoin recognizes local artists for their skills and talents simultaneously honoring community leaders for their prudence keeping money within the communities they represent.

  • Anyone can dance, and anyone can draw.

    The ones that do it well have practiced a little to build enough confidence to have courage.

  • Again everyone can dance and everyone can draw. There are no mistakes in either. It is simiply the act of doing that creates memorable moments.

    So in order to improve artist skills so that we can be respectful of everyone’s time we propose to have instructional dancing at our group drawing events.

    CA Society events are more than social events, but are actual training events improving an artists skill through the discipline of dancing to music which is fun.

    Depending on the event hosts timing skills can also be learned through other activities like roller skating or even exercise. We only suggest this to mix it up a little bit and have good time with other people.

    Serious artists just may want to draw. The point is to train expressive drawing skill to take place in a short amount of time so that we can be respectful of the client whom we target as the political sponsor.

    CA Society suggests local events to be in the format similar to a boxer’s training they call rounds, 2 minutes drawing, 2 minutes dancing, then changing partners.

    We are raising money for CA Society members with enough courage to visit the Library of Congress, or the Capitol for the State of the Union to make live drawings will be paid for their time.

    Who knows there maybe even a chance for CA Society members to get the chance to dance with members of Congress.

  • The camera shutter snaps in approximately .015 seconds. Congress, mayors, city council, judges, all elected officials love the camera partly because it is not possible to get to know another human being in the amount of time it takes for a camera shutter to close. Photographs are deadly accurate and in today’s hyper digital media world; lifeless. 

    Sometimes drawings are more meaningful than a photograph because if the artist is someone with Integrity opportunities for intimacy can occur in the memory of the observer and the observed. 

    In these situations with humans conversations and laughter can occur and a little immaturity that breaks the ice a little and a sense of community and belonging can occur.

  • Observing people movements, geometry, texture, and architecture, using the tools of the human mind, and the human hand is different than a photograph. The act of observation an artist live drawing a politician and the person giving the politician money is a community build act. Conversations will happen like ‘where do your children go to school?’ will emerge.

    In fact the very act of observing has the ability to change the reality of the observer, and the observed particularly if the drawing/artwork is made with integrity by the CA Society.

  • A famous bank robber that was asked after being caught and jailed several times, “Why do you rob banks?”

    “The bank robber said because that is where the money is. One day I will rob a bank and get away with it, and then I will be an honest man.”

    Similar to a court room trial artist, CA Society mission is to draw Congress that authorizes the printing of the money for the USA. In reverse of a court hearing trial artist we propose breaking the ice in a nice way. We plan to showcase American talent making live figurative drawings. It is necessary for us to be respectful of leaders time so this is reason for training with dance.

  • Banks have cameras but as we previously pointed out cameras can be lifeless instruments of manipulation.

    The reason banks have cameras is because if a person decide to rob the bank the enforcement authorities can see who is robbing the bank.

    The best bank robbers find out where the money is before it gets to the bank. Congress knows this and have carefully positioned themselves in places where lobbyists not Congress pass bills as political favors and then the People pay for it in tax money before it gets to the bank. Then the government does all the accounting and legal work that the tax payer also gets the bill.

    We the People need to be aware that our government is cunning. The human spirit and presence occupying space and time together in the intimate act of making live art is an educational moment for the observer and the observed.

    The CA Society believes since it is the people’s money Congress is printing for themselves then that is where the CA Society should also be.

    Can you deny that there is no art to robbing a bank? Why not document it and make beautiful art?

  • CA Society dance and drawing events are scheduled for Manhattan, Southampton, Atlanta, Chickamauga, Washington DC, Tampa, San Diego, Roanoke, Charleston, and Chattanooga so far. 

    We have been invited to host events at Museums, Restaurants, coffee shops, schools, galleries, and even the Library of Congress. 

    We have applied for authorization to the United States Capitol to organize, provide security clearance for 76 artists to paint live the 2025 State of the Union. 

    We are having so much fun.

  • We are building a market of Constitutional Art. What is Constitutional Art? We at the CIA Society believe it is the act of drawing all elected officials in the USA.  

    We love our communities and we love our leaders with integrity. Integrity can be observed with hand and eye instruments; not the camera. We want to record by hand and remember our leaders in these incredibly important times in the best possible light and together with the best American talent we seek the best light to show our respect and gratitude for those in public service.

  • 455 members of Congress work four days a week and take 3 days to fly home every weekend of every year.

    This means that 455 members x 50 weeks a year x 2 round trip home x 3000 average frequent flier miles = 136,500,000 frequent flier miles.

    What does Congress do with all their frequent flier miles?

    Is it conceivable that Congress could afford some paper and pens and some of their frequent flier miles to send 76 artists to Washington DC once a year for the State of the Union to honor our beloved leaders and for posterity stake attempt to paint them live. Wouldn't that be a nice thing to do for The People?